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Forgive me readers for I have sinned. It's been nearly 2 months since my last post. 

Luckily, the reason for my absence is all good new: I graduated college, got a great job and celebrated an awesome Christmas with friends and family. All of these events have put guacamolly on the back burner, but now that life is calming down and I have a more structured schedule, I hope to post more consistently. Yay!

Over the past couple days we've been indulging in so many rich, delicious and over-the-top treats. The holidays bring out the glutton in all of us, am I right? So many meats, cheeses, carbs and cookies...I'm a little scared to step on the scale. 

All of these rich foods really had me craving something fresh and healthy. Our fridge was looking a little bare (besides the leftover casseroles, ham and beer), so I had to get a little creative.

Honestly, I've always been a fan of canned tuna. I'm sure it's not the most sustainable or responsible choice, but it is tasty, cheap, relatively healthy and can be transformed to make a great meal. These tuna burgers are a prime example of canned tuna transformation. 

Besides tuna, these burgers also included bread crumbs (actually these were cracker crumbs), sauteed kale, sauteed garlic, sauteed shallot, an egg and some mustards - dijon and chipotle. 

I combined everything into a bowl, mixed with my hands until combined, then formed into patties. 

I fried the patties in olive oil over medium-high heat until golden on each side.

Is it just me, or are these actually quite beautiful considering they came from a $0.79 can? 

Lastly, I put each patty on a small floured roll with dijon mustard, avocado and a thick tomato slice. 

Tuna Burger Suggecipe

  • tuna - 2 cans, packed in water
  • bread or cracker crumbs - 1/2 cup or so
  • leafy greens - 1/2 cup or so, chopped + sauteed 
  • garlic - 2 cloves, chopped + sauteed
  • shallot - 1 clove, chopped + sauteed
  • egg 
  • mustard - 2 tbsp or so
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp + 1 tbsp 
  • s + p

Add all of the ingredients into a bowl. Use hands to mix together, just until combined. Form into 4 patties. Heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Place the patties in the skillet and cook until golden on each side. 

Eat as-is, add to a salad or place on a bun with your favorite toppings!  

Although the tuna came from a can, this burger was surprisingly fresh and light. I think the kale, tomato and avocado helped amp up the flavor and turned this burger into a clean dish that helped me recover from a week full of overindulgence. 

What are you all eating to help recover from the holiday treats?