While talking to my dad over the phone on Father's Day earlier this month, we ended up having a rather long and interesting discussion about oysters. Earlier that day, my mom and dad attempted to go indulge on some delicious mollusks at my dad's favorite oyster spot in 'bama. Due to some unfortunate events, they never made it to the spot. My dad was left high and dry.
Ever since this conversation, I've had an incredible craving for the fresh little buggers. This is no exaggeration: I've literally thought about eating oysters everyday since June 15.
Although I've liked oysters for quite some time, I've never really had cravings for them. Undoubtedly, this new found 'need' for oysters must have something to do with the conversation with my dad and his oyster-less situation.
I'm happy to announce that tonight, my oyster craving has been satisfied!
John and I went to one of our favorite spots, The Bitter End. They not only have the best oyster deal in town, amazing food and delicious drinks (including Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy), but they also have the greatest owners and the coolest staff. It's such a gem.
In addition to getting 'my oyster needs' met by eating these beauts, I was able to connect, in a way, with my dad from over 2,000 miles away. From our conversation on Father's Day, it was clear that we both had the same emotions (absolute love) towards oysters. By eating these delicious oyster tonight, I felt closer to my dad.
What other aspect of life connects people in such a fun and unique way? Food is so cool.