Disclaimer: this post most definitely falls into the 'rambling' and/or 'ranting' category. This isn't an attempt to knock people with allergies. It's simply been on my mind.
The strangest phenomena is occurring. Suddenly, everyone has acquired a food allergy. If it isn't gluten, it's kiwis, mustard, salt or anything else under the sun. I do understand that in many cases, a true allergy is the reason why a person refrains from eating a certain food. I get that. Why eat something that makes you feel like poo?
However, I have an inkling that many 'allergies' either stem from a dislike for the taste of the food, or a strange desire to be unique.
I don't have any food allergies so maybe I'm being insensitive or I'm just totally wrong. Feel free to tell me so.
Here's my real point: If you are able, I think it is good etiquette to eat food that is served to you. For example, if you're over at a friend's house and they serve liver and onions, give it a try! If you're out at a restaurant and the dish you want to order comes with a condiment you don't typically eat, don't ask for it to be served without. The chef put it in there for a reason.
If you don't like the food your friend serves, ask to bring a dish next time. If you don't like the food served at a restaurant, don't go there.
If you have a food allergy, it's not essential, in my opinion, to tell the entire world about it unless it directly applies to what you will be eating.
via fomovancouver.com
via quickmeme.com
I'm done ranting. Now go eat some yummy food!