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Although it's still 80 degrees here in Portland, there's something in the air that makes it impossible to deny that fall is right about the corner. Like most people, I love fall, especially fall food. 

Not only is fall food comforting, it's also relatively healthy. There are still a lot of greens, earthy vegetables like sweet potatoes and squash, and desserts filled with pumpkin and apples.

Unfortunately, these carrots that I made the other night don't exactly fall into the "healthy fall foods" category. Yes, the main ingredient is carrots, but the ratio of brown sugar and butter to carrots is a little alarming.  Alarming, but oh so freakin' tasty.  

I always struggle when trying to decide what shape to cut carrots (I'm laughing out loud to myself right now -- if deciding what shape to cut my carrots is the biggest struggle of my day, I'm in pretty good shape). I like the little round medallions, but I also like the thin little matchstick cut. However, with this recipe, I knew I wanted the carrots to cook a little longer so they could get a little color, but I didn't want them to get too soft. I decided on, what I like to call, big bits. Very technical, I know.

I sauteed the big bits in olive oil and butter over high heat to give them some color. Then, I added the melted butter and brown sugar mixture and let the carrots caramelize a bit. 

What I think brought these carrots to a new level was an unexpected ingredient I added. That ingredient? Cumin. Cumin has a warm, earthy, almost peppery flavor that worked perfectly with the sweet carrots. 

Brown Sugar Carrots Suggecipe

  • carrots - 8 or so, cut into big bits 
  • butter - 2 tbsp + a little extra
  • brown sugar - 2 tbsp
  • cumin - a big pinch
  • olive oil
  • s + p

Saute the carrots in olive oil and a little butter over high heat until they start to get charred edges. While the carrots are cooking, mix together equal parts melted butter and brown sugar, and a big pinch of cumin. Add butter mixture to carrots and let caramelize. If needed, season with s + p.  

I think brown sugar carrots are in my top 10 favorite fall foods. They are sweet, yet savory and perfect as a side to any fall meal.

What's your favorite fall dish?